Aqua-Tots Swim Schools Fort Worth/Alliance i Fort Worth

Forenede StaterAqua-Tots Swim Schools Fort Worth/Alliance



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3529, Heritage Trace Parkway, 76244, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-439-7700
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.9152902, Longitude: -97.306273

kommentar 5

  • Sara Carpenter

    Sara Carpenter


    Both of my kids have not only learned better swimming skills but have also learned so many safety lessons organically. The teachers are amazing, and so patient! Highly recommend this place!!

  • Charles Thompson

    Charles Thompson


    Their online system for schedules is highly confusing because parent's can not tell the difference between a permanent class opening versus a one time cancelling. When trying to move to either a more convenient time at this location or switch to the location closer to my house, I found their system and people highly unhelpful thereby placing me in a situation that I needed to take my business somewhere else more accomdating and helpful.

  • Veronica Vargas

    Veronica Vargas


    Great, clean place for kids to swim. Nice staff but some of the parents ACT LIKE KIDS THEMSELVES.. I've overheard some conversations and some of those parents need to back off. KIDS ATTEND HERE. Take your aggression and anger to karate class. Talking to the staff rudely isn't going to make anyone really want to assist you.

  • Jesslyn Adams

    Jesslyn Adams


    Wow! We are so thankful for the staff at Aqua tots! Our 2 & 5 yr old boys have been quite fearful of the water for years. They would cry every time. Now they have had 5 lessons at aqua tots and are truly Excited for swim lessons! Their teachers are patient and cheer our guys on. Our boys are becoming more comfortable which is really encouraging. Our guys are on their way to swimming! Worth the investment!

  • en

    Paul and Stacey Jackson


    We absolutely love Aqua Tots! The instructors are super amazing and were so genuine when our daughter was not sure about her first lesson. This complete dedication to helping students learn to swim and enjoy the water is what keeps us coming back. Both our kids love swimming and we have seen great progress!

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