Appliance Repair Garfield en Garfield

Estados UnidosAppliance Repair Garfield



🕗 horarios

85, Outwater Lane, 07026, Garfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 551-226-8824
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.881523, Longitude: -74.115032

comentarios 4

  • Josh Gartman

    Josh Gartman


    My family trusts only Appliance Repair Garfield for our appliance services. We first tried them when we asked for washing machine repair a few months back. The spin timer control boards needed fixing. Now, we schedule monthly appliance maintenance check-ups with them. I’ve never seen such great services.

  • Elmira Gauvin

    Elmira Gauvin


    Friendly, professional, and on time. The appliance service technician from Appliance Repair Garfield came yesterday to see why my washing machine wouldn’t start at all. He replaced the broken board fast and got me back up and running. I would recommend this awesome company to my family and friends.

  • Maura Corso

    Maura Corso


    Our washing machine fills with water but won’t start spinning even when the switch was plugged. I tried to check and solve the problem myself but I couldn’t figure out the exact issue. I called Appliance Repair Garfield for expert assistance and I’m extremely glad for the favorable result! The technician was very polite and proficient, an expert indeed!

  • Ashley Speir

    Ashley Speir


    I noticed the leak coming from dishwasher so before it even got worse, I immediately scheduled an appointment with Appliance Repair Garfield for their appliance service. The dishwasher repair was conducted on my chosen date and time, which I appreciated. It was also quick because after the technician changed the faulty door gasket, the leak stopped.

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