Appliance Medic Service & Repair w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneAppliance Medic Service & Repair



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140, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-351-0777
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9790741, Longitude: -74.1167699

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dr. Glenn Gorab


    I WISH I COULD APPLY A ZERO TO THIS REVIEW my service contract provider assigned appliance medic to repair my dryer that was broken. we had an f01 error code on our dryer display. with a quick scan on the internet it was clear that there was a problem with the control board. a serviceman (salman) came to our home and in addition to being rude and obnoxious to my wife totally misdiagnosed the problem. he took off the front panel of the dryer , saw lint and told us that our vent was clogged and that the service would not be done until the dryer vent was cleaned. he said that someone would need to clean the vents service the units before he would do the repair. (i guess he thought that we would hire him on the spot to do the service he suggested---you draw the conclusions) he also went on that he has been doing this for 30 years and knows what he is doing. well not so! no longer than 3 weeks earlier, the dryer vent was cleaned as we do this twice per year. he was wrong!!! in addition to his mis-diagnosis, the service contract company sided with appliance medic and told us that the maintainence needed to be done before any additional repairs were done. i hired a great whirlpool certified company (american home appliance in pequannock nj) who came to our home, confirmed that the dryer vent was clear and he cleaned some of the lint. he was certain that there was no way that the control board failure was from a blocked vent. it was dryer seals that caused the lint to accumulate and he replaced those. i gladly paid him for his service. he confirmed what i knew in the first place. after weeks of back and forth with the service contract company, they reinstated my contract and much to my disgust and protest, they sent the same company back to replace the board (that he should have done weeks earlier) . this time i was home so he would not interact with my wife. all is fixed now but not after many weeks on not having a dryer and back and forth with the service company. i have filed a formal complaint against appliance medic with service protection advantage because of the company's poor technical ability and their rude behaviour. they stated that they will never send this company in my home again and to all who might be considering this company, i would say stay away. stay away! stay away! in addition to being rude and obnoxious to my wife (i kick myself for not being home at the time) i would not trust them to change the batteries in a flashlight

  • en



    No physical address do not call those people they steal my hood parts.

  • Gina Vantuno

    Gina Vantuno


    They came to repair my oven and replaced a part that had nothing to do with the actual problem. Then they charged me $259. When I realized that I was having the same problem because they didn't actually fix anything, I had a difficult time getting someone to call me back and come back to my home to make the appropriate repairs. Someone finally came a week later and diagnosed the actual problem. He then claimed he didn't have the proper tools to fix it and said he would call me the following day to make an appointment. I never received a phone call. I am now $259 in the hole and still have an oven that doesn't work. I would suggest looking elsewhere for repair service

  • Ken Goffstein

    Ken Goffstein


    Excellent! They came on time and were very professional and efficient. They were in and out in 15 minutes. The price was very reasonable. I would call them again in a heartbeat.

  • rosy boa

    rosy boa


    Had an issue with the lg Dryer not heating and drying it was on Thursday night and it was hard to find somebody for Friday to fix it but when we called appliance medic they were very helpful. Guess there won't be any complaint ever. Simply great work!

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