Applebee’s Grill + Bar w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneApplebee’s Grill + Bar



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2201, Nostrand Avenue, 11210, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-505-3300
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.631385, Longitude: -73.947068

komentarze 5

  • Yashika Dawkins

    Yashika Dawkins


    Mom and son loved the food. Treated them here for mothers day. Food taste great. Good price .... .my waitress did not earn her tip dry attitude.....

  • jay Girard

    jay Girard


    Food is better than the average of its chain especially Manhattan! Unfortunately, staff needs better training, starting with hostesses with no personality. Not one have we encountered yet has been remotely nice considering this is a neighborhood restaurant. You have quite a wait prior to a server greeting you properly. When you do order, they bring dinner to close to appetizers, even sometimes together! Generally, something is incorrect of they forget your salad, theres always something. Staff doesn't bus the tables enough so you will have stacks of plates and glasses, that you will stack yourself because they just come with the food. Frequently servers are just missing! Drinks are decent but also inconsistent with extended waits between rounds! Eventually you hunt them down for the check, because you can't be bothered with dessert and coffee and your table won't have room for it anyway! Again being a neighborhood restaurant and our choices being very limited, we go back week after week.....




    Large crowd review WAIT TIME: We were a party of 10 so we expected to wait a reasonable time to be seated. I was shocked that upon our arrival and standing in the very small vestibule, that nobody acknowledged are presence for 20 minutes. During that time there were several parties who came and left because no one was present. SERVICE: Our waiter was phenomenal. She only made one round for each of the orders (drinks, appetizers, and dinner). The drinks and food arrived in a reasonable time after we were seated and all the orders and special requests were correct. She did have assistance bringing our dinners out. QUALITY OF FOOD: The food was hot and delicious. There was not one complaint from any of us. OTHER: This section is only applicable for me because the other 9 family members seemed to be fine. It's been 4 days and I'm just now recovering from the food I ate. Also it will be extremely unfair not to inform you that when we were greeted by someone, the gentleman did move us from the vestibul over to a small waiting area and informed us that he was speaking with the manager to see how they could serve us properly because they had only one waiter who was experienced with large parties. Also the manager did come out and greet us.

  • yaffa hartman

    yaffa hartman


    Visited on a snow day, about 5-6 pm. We got greeted cordially and were able to sit at a table we preferred. Waitress was very sweet and helpful. She gave us recommendations, told us what was new, and explained the various options available to us. Mennu is varied, and really good tasting. Would definitely come back

  • Kevin J Donaldson

    Kevin J Donaldson


    I love Applebee's including this location! I normally eat here for a quick bite for lunch! Usually around this time I'm able to get immediate seating and service is pretty quick! I love to order the French onion soup with grilled salmon and broccoli. my favorite Applebee's dessert is the Blondie which I do not think this location has at this time. I usually park in the parking lot next to this location.

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