Apple Michigan Avenue w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneApple Michigan Avenue



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401, Michigan Avenue, 60611, Chicago, Cook County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 312-981-4104
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8895007, Longitude: -87.6228522

komentarze 5

  • Julio Viegas

    Julio Viegas


    Been there to handle the fix an iPhone that was broken by Apple support after they failed to exchange the phone's battery. The store guy and his manager did not accept the case, were rude and completely dismissed us. We called Apple support back, which then managed to handle the case with Apple store at Lincoln park. It is a cool store, but unfortunately the customer care falls short when it comes to Apple standards. I would never buy nothing or ask help at that place again.

  • Sarah Abubakar

    Sarah Abubakar


    Amazing location with a great view. Its just right beside the river. At first when I went in there I didn't know its an apple store because I've never seen a place this beautiful for an apple store, would have turn back but then I saw a lot of iPads being displayed. The staff were very helpful and nice. It was crowded on Saturday but that had nothing to do with the quality of customer service because I got their full attention and they have lots of seats in there just in case you get tired and want to sit. Did I mention the place is beautiful?

  • en

    Peter Schabinger


    Spectacular building and location although it’s actually small once you make your way down to the floor. That’s where the aesthetic appeal fades and it’s more reminiscent of a school cafeteria with rows of products instead of places to sit. My initial impression was one of chaos and confusion which unfortunately pretty much sums up the entire visit.

  • James Rogers

    James Rogers


    Newly remodeled, and just wow. For to cieling glass. What's outside is in and what's in is out! From people watching, to learning something or buying a new Apple product/ apple compatible accessory. So much to embrace, just cool to hangout at. Added bonus - great acoustics due to materials of building.

  • Stanisław Bobula

    Stanisław Bobula


    Szybka i profesjonalna obsługa. Jak kupowałem MacBooka i mi rozszerzali pamięć, to laptop był gotowy na umówiony czas. Nie było też problemu z faktura na polską firmę. Duży i ciekawy zbiór etui na MacBooki i iPhony.

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