Apple Manhasset en Manhasset

Estados UnidosApple Manhasset



🕗 horarios

1900, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-734-2420
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.795033, Longitude: -73.676508

comentarios 5

  • en

    Keiths Adams


    Switching phones to an apple, after the data transfer, I needed to switch my sim card, I had an old galaxy s4, unfortunately the sim cards were different sizes. The rep took my existing card a pair of scissors to cut down the size of the card. She succeeded in disabling my old card, leaving me with 2 disabled phones. Finally she gave me a new at&t card, and told me I need to call at&t to fix my problem. I will say this, I am not willingly switching to an Apple device. It is a company requirement. But for those that love apple I ask one thing why do they need a apple support store, they make a product that fails its users. I have had 5 android based phones and never needed to visit a store for repair, they work for years.

  • Yan Li

    Yan Li


    Probably the worst Apple store in this area. I will give 0 star if allowed. The staff here are rude and impatient and they will LIE to their customer. Got a phone screen repaired here on Saturday. Was told it's only a 1 hour's job. It actually took them 2 and half to finish. Then we were told everything is ok and charged for the repair. Guess what, it was not OK. The camera stopped working right out of the store. Went to another Apple only to find out that they actually knew the camera is broken and left a notice in the service record. BUT they gave that phone to us without saying a word! Save your business elsewhere and avoid this scam!

  • en



    Today I had an appointment to change my Iphone Battery @ 03.25 pm. I reached on time the Silly Apple representative told me to deposit the phone and you will get it tomorrow or come tomorrow 10:00 a.m. I told him this is the reason I took an appointment so that I do not need to wait.I understand the technician needs time to do his job. But If I arrived on time and there is no point to deposit the phone after taking the appointment.I spoke to the store Manager.She was an ANGEL .I explained her everything .she asked me 2 minutes for the confirmation from the repair department .She came back with a surprise question- Can you wait for 30 minutes.I was shocked . At the same time another apple officer was denying and asking to submit the phone.I would say please ask for MANAGER for any issue if you feel .Otherwise,the place is clean and you don't have to struggle for parking.

  • en

    Ron Matthew


    So me and my wife went to this dump yesterday and when we walked in they had a total of three Apple workers right by the entrance. The two first guys by door are just playing with there own phones and even saw us walk in and didn't ask if we need help. One has a sleeve tattoo and is bit stocky the other guy was skinny. Then when saw an older lady that was in her late 50s just staring at us like what are we doing here and when we made eye contact with her she rolled her eyes and looked away, she was racist for sure. So we walked more into the store and nobody helps you. We were standing and looking around to see where we need to go and all the useless workers just are wandering around and don't care. No signs posted anywhere.So then I saw that older lady again and I said excuse me to her and she ignored me and I said it with a loud tone and instead of saying what can I help you with she said someone will be with you ! So then I went back to the tattoo guy and asked him where do I go to replace a battery and he tells me but with an attitude. We got the info and that guy was full of lies and said we got to wait a week just for the iPad to be looked over! Stay away from this place. Horrible and rude customer service. They pick and choose who they want to help.

  • Rosanna Fu

    Rosanna Fu


    The employees are really helpful but the lines are extremely long if you need help at the genius bar. I had an appointment and I had to wait an hour before I got service. Another time I came in without an appointment and I was told to come back after 3 hours. But they do provide good service when it does come to you.

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