Anzalone Fence Company i South Hackensack

Forenede StaterAnzalone Fence Company



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295, Huyler Street, 07606, South Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-343-7303
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.870053, Longitude: -74.0495

kommentar 5

  • en

    Goce Tusevski


    Very professional company, did a great job for very reasonable price

  • Roberto Alvarado

    Roberto Alvarado


    I currently direct construction activities for the Paterson Habitat for Humanity in Paterson, New Jersey and in my professional experience they provide the highest level of service for our residential projects. They provide a high quality installation and professional responsiveness which is yet to be matched. They arrive when they say they will arrive and do a complete job that looks great.

  • en

    Natalie Zisa


    I was very pleased with AAA Anzalone Fence Company. From the beginning of the sale to the execution of the work, they were professional and helpful in selecting the proper fence for my needs. Their workmanship was very impressive. They were reliable, diligent, and finished the work on time. I would recommend them to anyone without hesitation.

  • Jennifer Panepinto

    Jennifer Panepinto


    The best contractor I have ever hired... twice! They just do what they are hired to do and you don't need to worry. It will be done right! Very happy. We had a long stockade fence with metal posts put in on an irregular lot with a few other backyards to take into consideration. Went perfectly smooth.

  • Diane Kauffman

    Diane Kauffman


    Anzalone Fence did a repair job for my parents on their chain link fence last year. We were very pleased with the work. The crew was very friendly and did an excellent job. We will definitely call them again the next time we need a repair and would highly recommend them to our family and friends.

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