Any Style Kitchens i Ronkonkoma

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701, Koehler Avenue, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-285-7138
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Latitude: 40.788868, Longitude: -73.121363

kommentar 4

  • Valerie Iovino

    Valerie Iovino


    RUN FAST FROM THESE THIEVES GLEN IS A THIEF!!!!!!!! I'm still waiting 2 months later for one cabinet... GLEN never returns phone calls I even went back to their location and the coworkers are just as confused as I am. They call it a mystery - they said many people come in asking where their cabinets are!! Will we be reporting them to the BBB Now I know why Glen did not take my deposit in the form of a credit card because GLEB IS A THIEF!!!! RUN FAST FROM THESE THRIVES!!!!!

  • en

    Michelle Shimkus


    We are very disappointed regarding his lack of professionalism. The paint is chipping from our less than one year old cabinets. We were told by Glenn innumerable times that he would come and give us touch up paint... we are still waiting. Our pantry doors are out of alignment. We are still waiting for his appearance to fix them. Our numerous phone calls are to no avail. Glenn is a smooth salesman, but sadly untrustworthy.

  • Robert Davis

    Robert Davis


    Glen and Any Style re-did our kitchen, built book shelves for our living room, made a magnificent wall unit for our bedroom that replaced almost all our furniture and was kind enough to build a custom vanity for our bathroom for under $100 when showrooms wanted $600+ for custom work. Returning years later for small favors he always responded, followed up and charged very little. We have a 7 or eight year old kitchen that looks brand new! Currently he is working with our flooring company as we replace the floor which his cabinets stand on ,meaning he has to do a whole new set of floor molding. Never have I worked with a home improvement contractor who is as meticulous, cooperative and available. He has worked for a number of our friends as well who have marveled at the quality of the work at very reasonable prices.

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    Tara Oilvia Amy


    Do NOT trust this company with your new kitchen. Glenn built us cabinets for a brand new kitchen and never returned to complete the shelves. Within weeks of installation, more than half of the new cabinet doors were misaligned, and within months, a large decorative panel had fallen off the wall. Glenn does not answer calls, reply to voice messages, or reply to texts. His response to my BBB complaint was he has never heard from me, so I left a few more messages and texts. This was not an inexpensive job, we paid over $18,000.00 for these cabinets. Yes $18,000.00! Today another large cabinet door FELL OFF. This kitchen was only completed last Thanksgiving. It looks like it needs to be redone, less than one year later. My husband has already spent more time working on these cabinets than AnyStyle Kitchens has. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!

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