Antoinette's Patisserie w Hastings-on-Hudson

Stany ZjednoczoneAntoinette's Patisserie



🕗 godziny otwarcia

417, Warburton Avenue, 10706, Hastings-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-478-7200
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9906007, Longitude: -73.8835733

komentarze 5

  • Em LeBar

    Em LeBar


    Great coffee great good great service. Even with the tight space inside my ONLY complaint is there is no bathroom! 😔Typically spend a few hours here enjoying the food, coffee and atmosphere. I would come much more often if I knew all my needs were able to be taken care of.

  • Gina



    Excellent Giacobean coffee, delicious food, friendly staff & a super cool, quaint & quirky decor! Lovely to sit outside & enjoy whatever you feel like indulging in! They have amazing truffles btw!

  • Christine Rosenbaum

    Christine Rosenbaum


    This is my go-to place. I love the breakfast pastries, the oatmeal, the Belgium waffles. I love the sandwiches. I love the coffee. The people are great. It gets busy, so, get there early!

  • en

    Mark Flower


    Fresh roasted coffee, roasted by them. French Pastries to die for. The pastries are all made in house as well by the same family that owns this establishment. This place is a golden nugget found off a beaten path. Taking you back to the European coffee houses. Relax, enjoy a pastries, with good friends and watch the world go by.

  • en

    Gabriel Buitrago


    A small gem where local hipsters like to hang. I recommend the Coffee and cheese cake. However, if you want a very good lunch sandwich, just head to a bodega for a roll or hero.

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