Antique Buyers Long Island en Rockville Centre

Estados UnidosAntique Buyers Long Island



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484, Sunrise Highway, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-224-7578
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.65689, Longitude: -73.6351789

comentarios 5

  • Christine Martin

    Christine Martin


    Had another great experience today with Antique Buyers Long Island!! Robert is the greatest! Always get top dollar from them!! Some of the nicest people I have ever dealt with. I would highly recommend Antique Buyers to everyone!!

  • Samantha Sloane

    Samantha Sloane


    I was very impressed with the professionalism and the courtesy I received. I was shopping around and wound up getting top dollar from Antique Buyers of Long Island. I dealt with Robert, and I cannot say enough wonderful things about my experience with him! I would definitely recommend them.. Good job!

  • en

    Denise Cangelosi


    I was very impressed with the professionalism and the courtesy I received. I was shopping around and wound up getting top dollar from Antique Buyers of Long Island. I would definitely recommend them.. Good job!

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    Kathryn McGuiness


    Very professional, respectful, organized people!!! I called this company because I am selling my house and needed to get rid of some items from my basement and garage. They are fair, courteous, friendly. And they took a lot of pressure off of me with their quick response time.

  • Frances Sorrentino

    Frances Sorrentino


    Rude people and the call was short and close minded. I even offered them to take a look at our pictures they just hung up. They dont know what theyve been missing out, sold our furniture in better deal. their loss.

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