Anthony G Talarico Law Office: Talarico Anthony G w Lyndhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneAnthony G Talarico Law Office: Talarico Anthony G


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471, Valley Brook Avenue, 07071, Lyndhurst, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-896-9825
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8107122, Longitude: -74.1220174

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mike G


    Mr. Talarico, Just wanted to graciously thank you for all you did for my parents. Living so far away and yet trying to help them sell their house made things very difficult at first, but one of the best decisions we made was choosing you to represent us. I felt as if you cared about my parents almost as much as I did. I have worked with many lawyers, but never one so patient, kind, intelligent and as good hearted of a person as yourself. We feel very blessed to have you as our legal counsel and my parents will be sharing your name with all of their friends also looking to sell. Thanks for going above and beyond, may God bless you a thousand fold and enjoy the holidays! Your truly, Mike P.S. Very special thanks for Maria and all of the hard work she puts in behind the scenes. It was always a pleasure speaking to her and we wish her and her family the very best as well!

  • en

    George Miller


    When it comes to real estate, having an amazing attorney on your side is a great asset. Choosing Anthony Talarico and his office to handle my real estate transaction was one of the best decisions I've ever made! Anthony and his assistant Maria walked me through the entire process, explaining things thoroughly and keeping me updated every step of the way, from attorney review all the way to even after closing. As far as I'm concerned, there's nobody out there better than Anthony who can represent your best interests.

  • en

    Olivia Suarez


    A very well respected and knowledgeable friend recommended the office of Anthony Talarico to represent me with a very complex property sale. I had been told that what I wanted to do could not be done. With the help of Anthony Talarico and his assistant Maria it was accomplished. He took the time to explain the process to me and made sure my interest were protected. I felt confident that I was well represented during the lengthy transaction. I would seek his services again and recommend him highly.

  • en

    Mike Bohanan


    My wife and I secured the services of Mr. Talarico for the purchase of our home approximately four years ago. Our experience was so good that we secured his services again for the sale of the same home this past summer. Always responsive, always thorough. Took the time to explain the buy/sell process and offered his recommendations on how to proceed throughout the process when asked. Very helpful. We would definitely go with him again in the future and heartily recommend his services for others.

  • en

    Sandra Pacheco


    I retain this lawyer when trying to purchase a home. we had some disagreements on the property, on what I want before I purchase the home. one day I call him on a follow up on a property and he told me, " he had enough and to find another lawyer.." this office is looking for fast easy money. if its not fast easy money they will quit on your case. after he quits, now I receive a bill for his so called great service.... I do not recommend this office to no one, unless you have money to spend? now I have to spend more money to retain another lawyer to fight this bill that this office sent ....

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