Angel Tips Nail Spa w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneAngel Tips Nail Spa


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499, Sunrise Highway North Service Road, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-207-1711
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Latitude: 40.7783317, Longitude: -73.0379218

komentarze 5

  • en

    Salvatore Salvatore


    This place is nuts LOL no matter what you get they always try to upsell you something more expensive they will ask over and over and over again if you want to get the callus remover you have to say no about 20 times if you get the spa pedicure they will try to upgrade you to the angel spa pedicure and you have to say no about 1 million times not to mention the fact that the people that work here are rude they make it so obvious that they talk about people because you'll see them looking at someone and they laugh and they speak and you don't know what the f*** they're saying yeah do yourself a favor and go somewhere else the place in the sun wave shopping center right on the other side of sunrise on the service road is 1 million times better

  • en

    Grace Infad


    Came here with my girls (8 and 3) because my daughter waned to try it. Got there and was leary about staying. Place was filthy. I stayed cause I heard good things about the place. They made my 3 year old waited 30 minutes while doing my 8 year old her friend and myself first. I told the women my 3 year old is waiting a while. They ignored me. Women kept asking me for a callous remover. I had to say no 5 times... she kept on going. Wouldn't let up. I said no... she then backed off. She finally did my daughter, and the lady was getting mad at her because she had an itch. I had to fix her nails myself cause the woman was annoyed. While I was getting my gel manicure done I saw one of the workers picking her teeth with a flosser and not cleaning her hands. I also saw one of the women stop doing my daughter's nails to do a wax walk in. The women rinsed her hands off and didn't use soap to go do the wax removal. After all of this I went to pay and the women said $107.... what???? For a 3 year old and 2 little girls $60. I was $45 oh and they charged me and extra $2 for a quick dry for my 3 year old daughter. They don't post prices for regular services and make up their own prices. RIP OFF!!! I told the ladies that they took the tip I was going to give them in their price they charged me and walked out. Will never go back again. I was charged $80 total at relaxation spa which is cleaner and very pretty there. This place is gross and a rip off!!! Don't go!!!

  • Alexzandria Guenard

    Alexzandria Guenard


    AFTER 5 DAYS MY NAILS STARTED BREAKING AND POPPING OFF! IT IS NOT WORTH THE MONEY OR TIME! The lady did my nails and waited til they were on to tell me she couldnt do a marble design. They put nail polish remover in their nail polishes and rush to get to the next customer.

  • en

    Debora wells


    Very dirty. I had to ask them to clean the finger nails off the counter before they started my nails. They do not honor appointments and instead make you wait a half hour.

  • Chelsea Dixon

    Chelsea Dixon


    They did a horrible job on my pedicure. One of the nails was ruined when going from the chair to drying, and the lady yelled at me, and then did a horrible "touch up". There was basically a hole in the paint still when she sent me on my way. Then when I got home, it looked like she used a different color on each foot. I had to immediately take it off because it looked ridiculous. What she did paint was not even done well. What a waste of 27 dollars.

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