Angel Tips Nail Spa w Massapequa

Stany ZjednoczoneAngel Tips Nail Spa


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1346, Hicksville Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-795-7775
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Latitude: 40.6918872, Longitude: -73.4801901

komentarze 5

  • en

    Latisha Parris


    Hello all, I went there to get a gel mani and pedi first of all they didn't greet me when I walked in. I then told the lady what I wanted she told me to come back n an hour when I returned I was told to sit in the pedi chair, a Caucasian lady walked in and they went to get someone from his break to do her nails. (MIND U I WAITING FOR 1HR 10MIN) then said I've been waiting for an 1HR 10MIN he says she had an appt very quickly. I kno she didn't because the owner asked when she walked in. So I sat for another 10min when another Caucasian lady walked in they did her brows and then sat her down to do her manicure...I then said when is it going to be my turn, I was here first. She ignored me at that point I walked out. THEY ARE RACIST, UNSANITARY, AND UNPROFESSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Brittany Jones


    This place is just down right rude and I will never go there. Wasted 30 minutes and didn't event get my nails done. I rather pay people who have manners.

  • en

    Stacy Young


    This place is racist. Came here to do a manicure and pedicure. I had an appointment made over the phone. I arrived and was not greeted not asked my name or what service I wanted. They were busy so I sat. I ended up waiting for over a half hour. Then a lady who came in way after I did was serviced before me. When I asked the owner why, she said we would be helped at the same time which clearly was false because everyone was busy. She got loud and rude. I just walked out. No disrespect needed here, I’m paying you my money. This is why there is a movement for supporting black owned businesses. If you are African American, please don’t go here. So sorry to say in 2018

  • en

    annalisa lotierzo


    Infection in 3 of my cuticles one day after having a gel manicure! Swollen, red, and puss! Do not go there! Not clean. I will never go back. I used a Groupon and that is why I tried them. Would not recommend !

  • en

    Michelle Reinke


    If i could give it a zero, i would. They were rude , did not feel like the usual spa experience, cheap and poor quality. Did the gel and it didn’t even last a week. A regular manicure lasts longer...

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