Angel Tips Inc in Thornwood

Vereinigte StaatenAngel Tips Inc


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664, Columbus Avenue, 10594, Thornwood, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-747-5900
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.1084645, Longitude: -73.7751333

kommentare 5

  • en

    Barbara H


    Great nail place. Very clean.

  • Susan D.

    Susan D.


  • en

    andrzej holynski


    This place is great and well organized i would give it 10 stars if i could.

  • en

    Diane Rogener


    I love this place. Jessica is such a good person and cares about the customers. The place has been redone and looks beautiful. I'm very happy with the services and love the new color powder gel. No UV light!

  • Nikki D.

    Nikki D.


    The only reason i'm giving stars is because the services are truly great. The issue with this place is the workers. The Spanish women talk crap - for example - while massaging my boyfriend, giggling and discussing how he looks fat as if we didn't understand them. Then, after spending $80 for special pedicures and other services, I asked for a 10 minute massage and she said "no we are closing early". Their ride was there, but the store is not supposed to close until 6pm. I never had a place ask me "can you leave now" in the middle of drying my toes, at 5:47pm, because they were in a rush to get a paying customer out of their facility BEFORE IT EVEN CLOSES. I'm absolutely beside myself. It's a shame that these women work there, because it is a beautiful place and I have gone to other locations and loved it, but will most definitely NOT be returning to this one.

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