Angel Tips w East Meadow

Stany ZjednoczoneAngel Tips



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1953, Front Street, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-357-9612
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7221117, Longitude: -73.563571

komentarze 5

  • en

    Danielle Mathis


    Great service, friendly, worked well with the bridal party and one of the teenagers that came with us, and 2 weeks later I still get compliments on my nails! I will be back!

  • Xenia K H

    Xenia K H


    The only reason I'm giving this place 2 stars is because it was decently clean. I had a regular pedicure and manicure done today. The pedicure was below average. The first lady took her time to shape my nails but that is the only thing that was positive about my experience. She did not take the time to clean around/under the nails and left polish all around the nail beds. Then I was handed off to another lady to do my manicure. This is the first time in YEARS that anyone has left cuts around my fingers. So basically I'm walking around with scabs and nail polish around my cuticles. Fun. I came based on recommendations from 2 friends but I will definitely not return.

  • en

    Charlie Castillo


    I highly don't recommend this place if you are going to get acrylic nails because I got a full set almost paid 60$ on it and on the same day 3 nails just fell off. Then I went to get them fixed the next day and then after that more fell off I think that this place should get better workers that know how to do their job because they used the excuse that my nails were to short to support the acrylic but my nails have been significantly shorter than what I've had that day. Me personally I think that people shouldnt be like blamed for something that was their responsibility

  • en

    Nicole Kuskowski


    Dirty, old, they didn't use new or sterilized tools. I stopped her from cutting my cuticles. I was surprised that I didn't get an infection. The gel manicure looked good, and lasted.

  • Amanda Holmes

    Amanda Holmes


    One of my friends recommended this spot came here about 4 times. They're well mannered & very relaxing nail spa. There pedicures are great. And I've gotten gel fillings and gel color here lasts a while. Not sure about nail art. But overall pretty good

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