Andy's Woodfield Service i West Hempstead

Forenede StaterAndy's Woodfield Service



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630, Woodfield Road, 11552, West Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-486-4322
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6880062, Longitude: -73.6521734

kommentar 5

  • John Garrett

    John Garrett


    I've been going here for years. Great service, great people, fair prices, and most important, skilled mechanics. Years ago I found this place, because they found and fixed a transmission leak that 2 other places said didn't exist. I take all my families cars here. Email reminders about Inspection stickers coming due is a nice benefit.

  • en

    Rootter Mariampillai


    very professional, you could trust with any kind of repair, most importantly, they charge very fair prize.

  • en

    Alisa Minkin


    We have been exclusively using Andy's for many years. We find them to be super reliable and trustworthy. They have literally gone the extra mile(s) for us over the years!

  • David Maryles

    David Maryles


    Excellent customer service and solutions-oriented mindset.

  • en

    Tom Arnone


    My personal vehicles as well as those of family members, have been serviced at Andy's for years. I can trust that repairs are done correctly and at a fair price. Most work is by appointment, but if you have an emergency like a flat tire, dead battery, etc, they will be there! The owner and the mechanics are personable and knowledgeable. Going to Andy's beats service at a Dealership- hands down!

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