Andrew Steven Salon w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneAndrew Steven Salon


brak informacji

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135, South Wellwood Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-650-5326
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Latitude: 40.6862159, Longitude: -73.373314

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alexandra Bertoni


    Andrew Steven Salon is a very professional salon. I had my baylage done there with Kelly and it came out beautiful. I also had waxing done there by Ruby and again a great job. She uses professional products and cares for her clients. I highly recommend her and the entire salon.

  • Carmen Banegas

    Carmen Banegas


    The first time I went there Emily was amazing

  • en

    Hannah Jentz


    I just want to give Emily 100000 stars. I went to another salon where my blonde got completely ruined and turned gray. I called this salon as a new client and they were so kind to squeeze me in. Emily was able to correct my color and make it look better than ever before. She listened and was so knowledgeable about hair and color and what your hair can and can’t handle. I couldn’t thank her enough for her fixing my hair. She made me so happy. She’s amazing and followed the pictures I wanted to the T while fixing a huge mess. Please go see her she won’t disappoint. Thank you Emily!!:)

  • en

    Christina Bavaro


    5.0 star rating 7/10/2017 I went here for the first time on Friday to get a hair cut my stylist was Emily. I have been to many salons in the past I am stuck in the 80's lol and still wear my hair flipped back many places I have gone to would try to change my style instead of listening to what i asked for. Emily listened to what i wanted from the start my haircut was amazing!!! Emily's way of cutting my hair to give me the long layers I wanted was so different I knew immediately I was with a stylist who knew what she was doing. Emily had such a amazing way of flipping my hair with just a blow dryer. The minute I walked into the salon I felt such a welcoming and warm feeling. Andrew the owner and his staff make you feel so comfortable. I am so happy that i finally found a salon who is professional , welcoming, and Emily who took her time to listen to what I wanted, For the first time in years I did not have to go home and redo my hair because Emily did a awesome job!!! I recommend this salon to anyone who is looking for professional & outstanding work !!!

  • en

    Kris10 Dee


    Love, love, love this salon! It feels so high end but it is totally affordable. The staff is AMAZING and they've been great to everyone in my family, including my 9 year old daughter and husband. They're up on all the latest hair trends and offer multiple services including makeup application. They do a stellar job. I'm super picky about my hair and used to drive into queens to my old salon for 6 years after moving to LI because I couldn't find a salon I liked here. That is, until I had a hair emergency and friends recommended Andrew Steven Salon. I went and they took fabulous care of me. Clean, stylish, friendly and talented staff - what more could you ask for? Love them so much!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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