Andrew Phillips, DMD en Wyckoff

Estados UnidosAndrew Phillips, DMD



🕗 horarios

235, Madison Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-891-5154
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.011111, Longitude: -74.1707759

comentarios 5

  • Maura Byrnes

    Maura Byrnes


    I highly recommend Phillips Dentistry. I've been a patient here for over ten years. The front office staff members are kind, professional and competent. The dental assistants are fantastic and the two dentists are outstanding. They care about you as a whole being, not just your oral care. It's like going to a family member for treatment, but better! When you enter the office, it is like entering a comfortable, clean, welcoming home.

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    Frank DiCarlo


    The whole staff is very talented and wonderful to work with. My wife and I have been coming for years and have recommended others to use them as well.

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    Kathleen Dunleavy


    Phillips Dentistry is the only dentistry I have ever visited without feeling anxiety, dread and fear. Every member of the Staff is calm, kind, friendly, courteous and respectful. My Dentist is outstandingly patient, compassionate, and dedicated to a painless experience. My Hygienist is of superior quality and supplies me with accessory equipment to maintain good oral hygiene between appointments. I am proud to be a client of Phillips Dentistry.

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    Sutton East


    I havebeen a patient at Phillips Dentistry for 8 years. I am a anxious and I must say they are very patient with me. The Staff is kind, friendly and take excellent care of me. I am very pleased. Lynn White

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    Dana Bergin


    Clean, bright, professional, and a comfortable dental experience. Always welcoming and flexible for a busy working mom.

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