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150, South Broadway, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 609-941-4392
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Latitude: 41.084991, Longitude: -73.920376

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jill Maschler


    Practicing yoga with Andrea has been a beautiful experience. Her wisdom, her kindness and the depth of her yoga knowledge has advanced my yoga practice in a way that has been simply transformative.

  • Joan Salomon

    Joan Salomon


    An Akashic Records Reading with Andrea is an experience you will never forget. For me it was beyond amazing. Andrea is such a kind and caring person and her reading was as much a sacred event for her as it was for me. It was intense and exhilarating as well as very emotional. Her reading was dead on as far as pinpointing exactly where I am at this moment in time, as well as giving me a broad view of my life from a higher level. I came away with much food for thought that will certainly help me with future choices I make on this journey. I encourage you to have a reading with Andrea. To be in her presence and partake of her wisdom, professionalism and knowledge, and to be illuminated by the light that emanates from her very being will enrich you.

  • en

    Enid Weishaus


    To be in Andrea’s presence, whether by phone or being touched by her expert, healing hands, is to be carried on a soft and gentle breeze. Andrea took me on a delicious journey as she read my Akashic Record. Her reading was textured and descriptive, revealing insightful ways for me to move through this time in my life. Her words were beautifully woven together to create a picture, a path, and poetry about my life. I felt enriched, enthused, caressed, seen and rejuvenated!

  • Jessica Hans-Smolin

    Jessica Hans-Smolin


    Andrea enters each space with an innate understanding and gives us permission to accept what makes us human. She does this through radical honesty, soul connection and relate-ability. She teaches her students and clients the passive act of acceptance through breath and presence. She creates a space where it is safe to bring the WHOLE self. She encourages us to explore, to see the beauty in the darkness and give it the love that is needed to ultimately let go and fully expand beyond the borders we create for ourselves, embracing the mystery with clarity, playfulness and precision.

  • en

    Judy Levin


    "My experience with Andrea was beautiful. Her essence is serene and she creates a welcoming, safe space to relax and let go. She is a true healer with innate knowledge and a gentle touch that allows the layers of your daily "stuff" to simply peel away while feeling cradled and protected. I left feeling lighter and remained uplifted and on a spiritual high for days. We live in stressful times and owe it to ourselves to do everything we can to help reduce it. Take a moment out of your busy day for a session or more with Andrea, you'll be so happy you did." Judy Yoga instructor

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