Amyfinehouse Luxury Downtown Stay w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneAmyfinehouse Luxury Downtown Stay


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

500, South Ervay Street, 75201, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 469-642-8868
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.77769, Longitude: -96.79596

komentarze 5

  • Angie Casamento

    Angie Casamento


    Such a unique building and fantastic apartment! Beds were comfy after a long day, the showers had good water pressure and the kitchen was great! Loved the huge windows! Felt like a home away from home while we were visiting.

  • Mike Neill

    Mike Neill


    Loved this place! Owner was super accommodating and met our needs in a timely manner. Close to everything you want to do downtown and the valet parking was a great added benefit. Comfy beds, great kitchen and overall awesome condo. Will definitely rebook upon any return travel to the DFW area.

  • Fred French

    Fred French


    Grace was a fantastic host, the loft was awesome, great location for our needs! It has a cool vibe, with somewhat of an industrial feel. Kind of sad to see the high population of homeless in the area, to bad the city can’t help these people out in a better way. I was disappointed that the sheets for the blow up mattress didn’t smell fresh, so we had to wash them before using them. Other than than I would stay there again, thanks for your hospitality.

  • Pauline Swank-Cassias

    Pauline Swank-Cassias


    This was my third time visiting this property and unit. I keep coming back because of the short distance to the convention center, the parking garage/valet, and the comfortable beds. I was a little disappointed when we arrived and the guest bedroom bed was still not made and there were no towels left for us. I had to contact the host and it got resolved around 8:30 pm. Also, Sunday morning the elevators were down to one working elevator and being occupied by all the housekeepers while several guests were trying to depart that morning, which made it difficult for us to leave the building and get to where we were going for the day. There also seems to be an uptick of homelessness around the building which seemed more than usual. All in all, I would book this unit again for the valet parking and comfortable beds.

  • Divino Kipungo

    Divino Kipungo


    The apartment itself was a great value, super clean. It is not really a two-bedroom, they just divided part of the living room with curtains and put another bed there. I would give 5 stars if it wasn’t for the location. Neither myself nor my family felt safe in that area, but this was just us, maybe others will feel different. I would also ask them to add pictures of the building entrance to their profiles to give folks an idea. Valet parking was awesome too!!

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