Amityville Payroll Services w Amityville

Stany ZjednoczoneAmityville Payroll Services



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575, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-789-3340
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6930564, Longitude: -73.4223222

komentarze 4

  • en

    Stina Diaz


    Business hrs on Monday are from 8 am to 8 pm I'm sitting here it's 8:06 and they are still not opened smh very disappointed that I drive a the way here before work to a closed check cashing place that's supposed to be open 😑😑😑😶

  • en

    Fuller Diamond


    I absolutely do not trust a check cashing place that would scan my check which puts an entire front and back image into their computers and then turn me away. It's a check cashing place. The employees jobs is to cash checks. I asked if they could cash the check. If the answer was going to be to go to an affiliate bank of the bank the monies coming from (BOA she tells me) then why would she rip off the invoice, make me sign the check and put a picture of the check into the computer? What happened to methods or procedures of resigning up with them if all my prior records are gone? I was proper ID ready and feel wrongly denied based on discriminatory practices. Theirs a bank name and she even knew the affiliates of them to be Bank of America. Theirs a routing and checking account number at the bottom as well as what business that it came from, the very recent date as it was just mailed and the written/numeric amount and who it's for, a signature and check number and yet I was told to bring the check to the bank that's affiliated with the banks name on the check? I'm so sure that they can even tell that the funds are there for them to retrieve and payout to the properly ID'd person with today's technology, yet without even asking me to verify who I am, in which I'm more then willing to do with two government issued forms of identification, one being the required state ID, instead I'm sent away. This has nothing to do with them just wanting the power to be able to do so? Their job is to cash checks. For two years straight I funded them twice a month with a piece of my $600.00 checks yet this is how they want to treat me later on in life? I removed my head gear plus hood respectfully to be on a professional level, I got my ID's ready, just to see hoodlums come in and breeze through unprofessionally that she was publicly displaying my check to on live as if it were their business what I have, to publicly make it seem as though i were unworthy unlike them of the service of them cashing my check. I went back in and got her name, realizing that she only wants to run me around unnecessarily for the power trip of doing it but it wld be wrong to include her name though? Would it really be too hard of people to just stick to their job and filling the duties of it? They want to do everything but. To add insult to injury it's netspend that they deal with who pinches your $ big time for every transaction that you make using the card, sends off junk mail without getting your consent 1st, doesn't listen at all, changes your login passwords on you whenever they can to get you to call in and on top of that, they'll lock you out of being able to use the igno money feature disrespectfully without even a representative that you can speak with through their unworthy automated phone lines.

  • en

    Yobani Caceres


  • V Br

    V Br


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