America's Mattress w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneAmerica's Mattress



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357, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-824-6168
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8701885, Longitude: -73.4264709

komentarze 5

  • en

    peter mcquaid


    Anthony was super knowledgeable, friendly and trustworthy. He really made us feel comfortable with our mattress buying experience. I would 100% recommend buying a mattress from Anthony at America’s Mattress on New York Avenue in Huntington.

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    Nancy Sammis


    We were looking for a new king mattress. I had heard of the new store America's Mattress in Huntington through a relative and visited. We met Anthony, who is the owner who was so knowledgeable, helpful and did not engage in any high pressure sales tactics. I told him our criteria and he gave us options, answered all of our questions and had competitive pricing. We purchased our new mattress, box springs and frame from him. I highly recommend Anthony and his store if you are searching for a new bed. He will steer you in the right direction and find the right product for you. We try to shop local as we are long time Huntington residents and wish him well with his store. Thank you Anthony for your professionalism.

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    Rebecca P


    Great mattress buying experience. Anthony was so personable and helpful. Made moving into my first apartment so much easier! 100% recommended

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    Anthony Arote


    It’s great to do business with someone like Anthony. He understood what I was looking for and didn’t try to lead me down another path. Welcome to the neighborhood!

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    John Tsiforas


    Great service from start to finish. Store manager was very patient, knowledgeable, and helpful. Helped me select the right mattress. Not an easy task. His recommendation, however, was spot on. I haven't slept this well in years. Delivery was timely and professional. I highly recommend this store. Ask for Anthony; he really knows mattresses.

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