i Holbrook




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5008, Veterans Highway, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 877-763-3423
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7763219, Longitude: -73.0722704

kommentar 5

  • April Babcock

    April Babcock


    The quality of these flags is top notch, and they are made in America. If you are thinking the prices are a little high, believe me when I tell you the product you receive is well worth the money! The website is very easy to use as well. Product arrives quickly, even with standard shipping.

  • en

    Albert D.


    Great company! Had exactly what I was looking for which couldn’t be found anywhere else. I’ve already placed my second order with them. Price and quality is excellent.

  • Sam Heffernan

    Sam Heffernan


    This American Flag is the first flag I have owned that did not fray within a month. The flag has been up for several months and looks great. We live on the coast and have higher than average winds. I can recommend American Flags over three other major brands I have tried.

  • en

    Sc Smurfette


    Beautiful. Great quality. Fast shipping. Lasts for 3 years when it is out flying through all weather conditions 24/7. We will buy from no one else.

  • Gale Ghostrider

    Gale Ghostrider


    Love my new flag, the material much heavier then any of the past flags I’ve bought and the colors are vibrant and really stand out like the American flag should! This is what quality in a flag is all about, I’m looking forward to enjoying this flag for many years to come! Unlike my previous flags I’ve bought from other sources that were lucky to hold up a year! If your looking for a high quality flag, this is the place to go! You won’t regret it I promise!

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