American Truck & Van en Nashville

Estados UnidosAmerican Truck & Van



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2715, Dickerson Pike, 37207, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 615-228-1794
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Latitude: 36.2170018, Longitude: -86.76298

comentarios 3

  • Dion Harrison

    Dion Harrison


    The vehicles I was interested in had dead batteries. Prices too much for the quality.

  • en

    A Google User


    I brought a van and four days later it woudnt start reset the computer it started so i called and they set up an apt for two days later. The van broke down again, i had to have it towed at my expense. When i got there i spoke to TErry the owner and i told him i would glady cover the parts . Terry told me himself that he would work wit me on labor. I paid 572.00 after paying 2700.00 cash for the van. Will,not recommend to

  • en

    A Google User


    I have had nothing but trouble out of this company. To start off, Deborah, the salesman told me I had to have full coverage. Even though you are not suppose to even have FULL COVERAGE on a ‘rebuilt title’. So I went and got the full coverage. (I didn’t find this out until 2 years later when I lost the car, Deborah never mentioned it) Not even a week after I got the car, the serpentine belt came off while I was driving down the road. (This belt controls just about everything on the car) I had no power steering and almost wrecked the car. I had to beg them to fix it. I paid my payments on time until I lost my job, and got behind. She didn’t bother me for two months while I was looking for work. I told her I got a job, and then she started calling me everyday wanting money. I paid her almost $1000.00 in one month to catch my car up. She told me I had to renew my insurance. It had recently been cancelled because I couldn’t afford it because I was paying her every dime that I had. I told her no problem, my mother told her I would have it that weekend. So that weekend I went and got the insurance, before I could take it to her on the 15th, along with my September payment, she had a tow truck come pick my car up. (Even though my payments were caught up) I called her to see what I needed to do to get my car back. I thought she would say I would only have to pay the tow fee, (which she claimed was $350.00) pay my September payment, and show her my proof of insurance. Nope, she wanted $1600.00 for me to get my car back. Even though I went and got insurance and everything. I only owed $1196.00 on the car, and most of those were the crappy late fees she charged me up the behind. Mind you, the car is only worth $1500.00 because it has a rebuilt title. I paid over $5000.00 on the car, and have nothing to show for it. When I asked to speak to the Manager/Owner, Terry, she told me he did not want to speak to me. So I paid her almost $1000.00 in the month of August, for her to come get the car the second week of September. She waited until she got a big payment from me to come get it, because she already got 4 times as much as the car is worth, and now she can sell it to someone else and make more money. I wouldn’t recommend this company to anyone. If you see a blue/purple jeep on the lot, don’t buy it. It has a bunch wrong with it, just like the rest of their cars. They fix them up to last a little while, so it will break on you and you will have to fix it. -The right mirror was missing when I got the car -The CD player had no lights -The A/C wouldn’t work if I went over 50 mph -The back windshield wiper only worked if it was NOT raining -The back hatch wouldn’t stay open unless I stuck a broom handle to hold up -The gages would go off for no reason when I was riding down the road -The ceiling was falling down, I had to put pins in it to hold it up -Both of the front windows broke and wouldn’t roll up or down -The car leaked water through the dash board if it rained -The doors squeaked so bad when they were opened it was ridiculous. I could understand if she came and got the car while I was behind, but she waited until I was paid up to come and get it. With this being said, I let her have to car, and I am taking my business elsewhere. Just wanted to warn everyone before they get their selves in a mess similar to mine.

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