American Tire Depot - Brea w Brea

Stany ZjednoczoneAmerican Tire Depot - Brea



🕗 godziny otwarcia

227, North Brea Boulevard, 92821, Brea, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-987-1840
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9224283, Longitude: -117.8976695

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ashley Meier


    Great place! Great people! They take care of me and answer all my questions! I have been coming here for a while now! Thanks guys!

  • en

    Christina Orellana


    They took care of the screw in my tire after the store had already closed. Talked about taxes, cars, and bikes and still got to my tax appt early. Great customer service! Thank you.

  • James Ramirez

    James Ramirez


    Some of the best service I've had at a shop. The staff are very friendly and were patient to explain anything I wasn't sure about and they offered to fix my tire for free. I wouldn't hesitate to come back here on the future, they are great!




    This situation occurred last week from the date of this review. My friend's took her car to American Tire Depot the Brea location. The morning of I called ahead to discuss the Alignment issues on her car with the service writer & everything was clear & understood for them to inspect it later that day. When my friend arrived their #1 lead technician decided to do a parking lot inspection, which should never be done just so you readers know. The lead mechanic at that location said he could not fix the car & he doesn't feel it should be brought into the shop. I spoke to him on the phone & he said it could not be fixed the damage is to severe from what he's looking at in the parking lot. I told him it's impossible to do a correct inspection in the parking lot without the vehicle being put on the rack. He then directed my friend to speak to the manager. The manager said his #1 technician looked at the car & he's going to go off of what his technician says. I engaged in a phone conversation with him explaining its the wrong way to do an alignment inspection & I had already discussed with his service writer earlier in the morning that the alignment inspection would be handled correctly & thoroughly. The manager absolutely handled the situation very rudely he refused to rack the car & inspect it properly. When I questioned him in what a correct complete alignment inspection entailed he became very upset & used vulgar language, started cussing saying he did not give a s*** how I feel the inspection should be done. He was yelling at me through the phone because I was refusing to accept his #1 technicians parking lot inspection process. At one point in the conversation he actually told me that was the free inspection referring to the parking lot. I immediately reached out to a district manager who was not in charge of that store location, but he did express concern based on what happened & told me he would be getting in touch with that stores district manager. I never received a call or a message from that locations district manager which is very disconcerting. I ended up calling Firestone which is right around the corner from American Tire Depot. Firestone did a free vehicle alignment check without any issue. They actually "racked" the car & did a correct vehicle alignment inspection. The car ended up needing $148 wheel bearing. I highly recommend Firestone in Brea, their prices are relatively the same & PROFESSIONAL service is what you will receive. They also offer full financing with deferred credit if you need to take advantage of that not to mention you get Nationwide warranty since they are Firestone. Needless to say I will never be using American Tire Depot in Brea I would strongly recommend anyone thinking of buying tires or servicing a vehicle contact Firestone in Brea 1st.

  • Nathan Clark

    Nathan Clark


    The Negatives: 1. I'm pretty sure they overcharged me $300. 2. They didn't get the car done when they said. 3. I had to argue with the manager (I assume he was the manager) to fix what they broke on my car. 1. The reason why I say they overcharged me is because after looking over the bill I counted up labor and parts and it came out to about $300 below what they charged me. 2. When I dropped it off they said come back tomorrow night and it wasn't done until two or three days later. 3. They kept telling me, "it was like that when it came in" all the while their mechanic was working on it on the background and after about 30 min of arguing the mechanic comes in and says, "It's fixed. Yeah I put it together wrong." Which is nice, but its acting up again after literally 7 days since I got it back, and I've only driven the car to work so I know it's broken because of them. But why would I go back? The positives: 1. They're cool people, nice, easy to talk to.

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