American Cafe w Glen Cove

Stany ZjednoczoneAmerican Cafe



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5, School Street, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-656-0003
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8660889, Longitude: -73.6310525

komentarze 5

  • Brian Roller

    Brian Roller


    Casual good eats. If you are looking for fancy, then look elsewhere. But if you want quite reasonably priced delicious food, then this place is for you. How can you go wrong when you can get a burger platter and a beer for $13.50, complete with some customization and choice of beers! Tip: It is practically on top ofmthe AMC movie theaters in Glen Cove so consider stopping in before or after a show.

  • Laurie Langella

    Laurie Langella


    Hidden gem, glad we found it on Yelp! After a day of hiking and exploring at Garvies Point, the fast friendly service and delicious generous portions really hit the spot!

  • chang Junghwan

    chang Junghwan


    Good atmosphere and good food. Breakfast for weekend suitable and available for to go. It will be my one of first option for weekend walk course, no doubt.

  • Victoria A

    Victoria A


    American Cafe has great food at a reasonable price. I especially like coming here for brunch because they have great pancakes, and the bacon is out of this world crispy, just the way I like it. For dinner, I usually just order the brisket quesadilla (because it usually doesn't take much to fill me up).

  • en

    Chuck Curiano


    Walked in at 9:30 on a weekday to an empty restaurant and was greeted by a staff member who looked surprised to see me. Had to brew a fresh pot of coffee for me and my breakfast took an unusually long time. My over easy eggs were over hard, and the wheat toast was hard and stale. But bacon was crispy, homefries were tasty and coffee ok. Staff was friendly, though not very attentive (no offer to refill my coffee cup).

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