Ambiance Pool Service and Supplies w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneAmbiance Pool Service and Supplies



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3655, North Oracle Road, 85705, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 520-425-9186
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.273187, Longitude: -110.978834

komentarze 5

  • en

    Christin Munchoff


    So patient, kind, prompt, willing to explain things and not trying to take your money. I had a pump go out from 2016. They listened to my concerns and took the time to explain while being honest about the product. Gave me a discount and were in and out in less than an hour. Very honest, good group of people.

  • Jeff Coy

    Jeff Coy


    Great company, great communication, fast. Couldn't be happier. Edit to add first time was a pump replacement, I also had a leak. They handled the pump, but didn't service that type of leak. They recommended a guy who got the job done. After that, I needed more pool help since someone else had failed at fixing a green pool problem for over a month, they came in and within a week everything was great. Then they hooked me up with a new pool guy who has 100% just handled it. These are the guys you want to talk to. Once can be a fluke, but twice, you've got it right. They're good. I've had this pool 18 years, I know good service when I see it and this is the best I've seen.

  • Gail Johnson

    Gail Johnson


    Always a good job at a fair price. Really the best in Tucson. The service people are very knowledgeable and efficient, the prices are fair, and the office staff is friendly and efficient. Love Ambiance Pools!

  • T. Jackson

    T. Jackson


    Professional with prompt follow-up. Received three quotes for pool equipment renovation and Ambiance was by far the most responsive with a detailed quote and fast follow-up..... And the delivery after the selecting them has been the same.... They do what they say they are going to do and the owner Michael is very responsive and accessible to answer questions or deal with any issues. Highly recommend.

  • George Adams

    George Adams


    * The initial contact was responsive and friendly. * The time frame for appointment was set and met. (less than 24 hrs) * The diagnosis was spot on and the repair was done quickly with explanations of what was needed and how to mitigate this problem in the future. * Jon is in the expert category and very helpful with explanations. * The work was great and the price was fair. * Highly recommend Ambiance service.

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