Amaya's Auto Repair i Brentwood

Forenede StaterAmaya's Auto Repair



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1156, Suffolk Avenue, 11717, Brentwood, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-435-9363
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Latitude: 40.785239, Longitude: -73.226833

kommentar 5

  • Christian Strauss

    Christian Strauss


    Great group of guys.. trust worthy and reasonable prices

  • en

    doug moreno


    They ruined my car engine after stuffing it with silicone avoid this place they lie and use cheap parts.

  • Alex Velasquez

    Alex Velasquez


    They did a great job on my titan radiator and the price was the best

  • en

    David Contreras


    Went in for a coil replacement for my car they burnt out within a month took em out by another mechanic looked up serial number it showed they were some extremely cheap coils knockoffs not even some duralast or better avoid this shop they more concern bout pocketing as much money as they can and not too concern bout what they put in as long as they get you out the shop an paid they good you will be back with they temporary fix.

  • ericsandy colon

    ericsandy colon


    Can always count on Amaya's auto repair to get the job done and help out to save you money... super friendly service n you'll have fun while waiting for your car..

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