Alternative Earthcare i Bay Shore

Forenede StaterAlternative Earthcare



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Jem Ct, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-940-9050
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7679787, Longitude: -73.2851105

kommentar 5

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    Michael Bonocore


    Great lawn care company. Friendly, helpful, they really value their customers I recommend them wholeheartedly

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    richard franklin


    I have them for many services. They treat my lawn and fertilize it. I have a great lawn. Every summer season we enjoy our pool cause of the fantastic tick and mosquito treatments I too. My sprinklers have never looked better and at Christmas time, my house is spectacular from their Holiday Light Division. Thanks Alternative Earthcare for giving me such great service, I love to come home and relax and this is all because of you !!!

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    Rob Elliott


    They take care of my lawn and trees and shrubs all year every year. I have such a healthy property. I wouldn’t trust anyone else.

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    The crew is professional and courteous. They also do Xmas lights , I would definitely recommend them to anyone.

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    I hired they to install my landscape lighting last year, I always wanted to light up my backyard and so they came and created a incredible layout of lights. My summer parties this year were amazing and we had a blast in the backyard, the multi-colored lights around the trees are amazing. So this year we encountered mosquito's and they do that too. Thanks Alternative Earthcare this summer has been amazing so far cause of your work, I am truly appreciative

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