Alpine Valley Motorsport w Closter

Stany ZjednoczoneAlpine Valley Motorsport



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170, Closter Dock Road, 07624, Closter, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-768-1555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.974853, Longitude: -73.963016

komentarze 5

  • en

    Howard K Simon


    Nice folks and they know what they are doing!

  • Joseph Villani

    Joseph Villani


    Been using these guys for years and can only tell you they are the most honest guys out there. Never overcharge the customers and always quality work. Would recommend them to anyone.

  • My Cousin Vito

    My Cousin Vito


    I have been coming to Alpine Valley Service Center since I was in college. (living on a college budget). First thing is first they worked with me price wise whenever I needed something done. I have had several cars serviced and customized by these guys. All their mechanics are knowledgeable and the price is great for the quality of work you're getting. They have a stocked parts department and if they don't have something you're looking for 9 out of 10 times they can get it for you SAME DAY! Do I still go to them: Yes Do I recommend them: Absolutely How is the price: Very competitive and fair How do I feel whenever I have to go in: Like family

  • carly harper

    carly harper


    Mechanics are great and had quick service. The man at the front desk had a rude demeanor on more than 1 occasion. He needs to brush up on his customer service skills, because it made me uncomfortable to return and inquire about car parts and questions.

  • en

    David L


    A very professional shop and a pleasure to deal with! Both Guy and Rob were very helpful. They've addressed my problem below the price and in the time-frame they've estimated over the phone. What else can you ask for? So, I plan to come back if I things come up with my car in the future! It was not a huge job (needed a receiver hitch installed) but they have the right tools and skills. I actually tried to do it myself given on-line it is claimed to be a 15-min job. However, with frame mounts all rusty, after a few hours of trying to do it myself, I gave up and brought it to these guys. Should have done it right away...

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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