Alpha Auto Leasing w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAlpha Auto Leasing



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4173, Bedford Avenue, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-615-4647
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.60025, Longitude: -73.946575

komentarze 5

  • en

    phil salvato


    Dmitry is the Man!!! Spoke with him on a Monday about leasing another Rogue, He got me a Midnight Edition that Wednesday and he delivered it right to my Door . Hands down the Best guys in Brooklyn to deal with , Always a pleasure !!!! Thanks again !!!

  • en

    Sharon Romulus


    Vitaly was great with the whole transaction. I received my 2 cars and less than a week. The transaction was smooth and I got my cars right from the comfort of my home! I will work with this company any day allllll day! Thanks guys!

  • John Situ

    John Situ


    Vitaly was helpful in getting me into a new Lexus. The coordinated a trade of my old car. Process smooth. Went over the number via text, came in, dropped off the old car, picked up the new car. The paperwork process was a little different than a typical process, however he is trust worthy and followed through with everything we agreed to over text/phone. He has a customer for life and would recommend friends to him.

  • en

    Albert Pometto III


    From start to finish an AMAZING experience. I always hated the process of leasing a car, the dealers, the BS. Alpha Auto almost too good to be true. Did everything for me, and everything they said would happen from the start happenned, AND a better price then the actual dealer themselves. Also important to me is respect and being friendly, and they were top notch. My first time using them, will not go anywhere else in the future.

  • en

    Nataly Chayka


    Love them! I would recommend this place to anyone without hesitation. The service was amazing, quick, attentive, reliable and pleasant. They were recommended to me by a close friend of mine who has been using them for years for personal and family leasing. I now understand why. They assisted with everything, beginning with finding a car that best suits my needs to working with my insurance company. The service was impeccable to say the least, if you are looking for someone to handle your car needs this is the place to be 100%!

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