Allstate Insurance Agent: Roger Dwyer w New Windsor

Stany ZjednoczoneAllstate Insurance Agent: Roger Dwyer



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357, Windsor Highway, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-562-1664
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.4604671, Longitude: -74.05311

komentarze 4

  • en

    Nava Herzog


    Andrew Mullholand of the Roger W Dwyer AllState Insurance is a superb agent who knows insurance and will guide with expertise. He has saved my clients a lot of money, is available for personal guidance and will make sure you receive the best service.

  • Sue Young

    Sue Young


    Roger Dwyer Agency is the real deal when it comes to insurance, not only for home and auto, but many other insurance needs. When buying insurance is it very important to have an agent, not an 800 number. it is very reassuring, when you need service or help of any kind, to be able to call the agency and speak to an agent that knows and remembers you, not whatever foreign operator you happen to get. I have worked with Andrew Mulholland for years and highly recommend him and the Dryer agency.

  • en

    David Sinclair


    I have been with the Roger Dwyer Agency and Allstate insurance since the 1970s and Roger Dwyer Sr. I continue to be loyal because I trust in their service.

  • en

    John G


    I've been using Roger Dwyer Allstate since I first started driving and currently have numerous policies here. The quality of service is top-notch and honest. All of the staff are friendly, and they have been for as long as I can remember. If you call with a question or problem, they will go the extra mile to help you out. When you enter their office, you are often greeted by name, as if they make it a point to remember their customers. Roger will periodically have one of his reps call me, asking me to stop in so they can review my policies. When I stop in, Roger reevaluates my policies and suggests ways for me to cut costs. Andrew, who also works in the office, is an asset to the Dwyer Agency. He has taken time to go back-and-forth on the phone with me while I set up autopay and autobill, after I followed his suggestion to do so because it'd save me additional money. Andrew is patient with his customers and dedicated to helping you, just like Roger is. The prices are slightly high, but that's not Roger's fault. That's Allstate. Roger will work with you to keep your rates to a minimum. You get what you pay for, and sometimes you're better off paying the extra few dollars for the quality of service and having a good agent who will work with you, rather than an automated chain like Geico where they only know you by a policy number. My family also uses Roger. When I was a child, I remember going here with my father when Roger's father was here. This is a well-established, local business and got to this point for a reason.

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