Allstate Insurance Agent: Greg Torkelsen en Centereach

Estados UnidosAllstate Insurance Agent: Greg Torkelsen



🕗 horarios

2371, Middle Country Road, 11720, Centereach, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-676-6464
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8584967, Longitude: -73.0954099

comentarios 5

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    Mark Borgetti


    Greg’s competent in his abilities to find the proper coverage and at the right price, I use him for my home vechicle and life insurance policy after he beat a competitors price AND got me more coverage! Who wouldn’t rave about that? 5 stars all the way!

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    Katie Oconnell


    I was in need of two (2) different policies and Greg (owner) assisted me with both. He was professional, courteous and strived to get me the best rates. Thank you for your help and superb customer service. I will definitely be back in the future!

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    Courtney Urda


    Great business, saved me so much money every month. Great service. Definitely trustworthy and would refer my friends and family.

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    Salvatore Motta


    Saved me tons of money, honestly couldn't have been more convenient. Gregs a real professional, and always makes sure I get bang for my buck. Highly recommend!

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    ALLSTATE 2371


    Hello spoil brat, I am sorry to hear about the experience you had. I have only been at this location for a month so I can assure you that you have the wrong agency. Allstates are independently owned and operated, but in the month I have been here I haven't had to cancel any written policies which assures me that you have the wrong agency. Again I am sorry you had a bad experience with Allstate but here in my office we strive to give the absolute best customer service, which is why we are always upfront with customers about prices so we assure there are no surprises.

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