Allstate Insurance Agent: David M. Brand en New City

Estados UnidosAllstate Insurance Agent: David M. Brand



🕗 horarios

39, Maple Avenue, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-638-6200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1458571, Longitude: -73.9888872

comentarios 5

  • en

    Thalia Rosales


    David brand and his team are great! They are helpful, efficient, courteous and they give you the best rates.

  • Soraida Valentine

    Soraida Valentine


    I've been a customer of David's for 14 years and I feel like party of his family. Whenever I have a question about policies he's on the ready with the information. I highly recommend David Brand's agency to anyone looking for a competent, professional and amiable expert!

  • en

    Michael Ellman


    I have been with the Brand Agency for several years. David, and his entire team, are a pleasure to work with. Knowledgeable, accessible, friendly, and trustworthy. David will take the time to review your insurance needs to ensure that you are adequately covered at an affordable price!

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    Rich Simon


    Dave and the Brand Agency are the best I’ve ever dealt with for all my insurance needs. Dave handled all my insurance needs for many years when living in NY, he was always available 24/7 and would even come to my office when necessary, who makes “House” calls these days?, no one, that’s who! Since moving to Florida I’ve had to use a local agent for auto, RV and homeowners, and unfortunately have never found anyone as diligent as the Brand Agency. Still use Dave for my life and other needs where an in State insurance agency is not necessary. Highly recommend the Brand Agency!

  • en

    Mary Brockway


    Courteous and professional in every encounter I have had with everyone on the staff. Very helpful when I had questions at renewal time. Would highly recommend David Brand Agency for all your insurance needs.

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