Allan M Miller DDS, FAGD w Briarcliff Manor

Stany ZjednoczoneAllan M Miller DDS, FAGD



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540, North State Road, 10510, Briarcliff Manor, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-941-1639
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.166471, Longitude: -73.820953

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michelle Burnham


    I have always been pleased with Dr. Miller's care from routine checkups to Invisalign. He is always up-to-date with the latest procedures and equipment. I am sure to continue seeing him for my dental care even though I travel from Schenectady County to do so.

  • Arlene Schwartz

    Arlene Schwartz


    Great office and customer service from beginning to end. I’ve been a patient for 20 years and I feel so taken care of. Everone was great and Dr Miller is an expert especially with cosmetic dentistry .

  • en

    Ellen Brecher


    Our experience has been amazing. The front desk smiles and insurance knowledge is incredible. We were with the same dentist for 25 years only to find out he was not so great and a 25 minute drive. Dr. Miller is knowledgeable and helpful. We are so happy we found him.

  • en

    Annette Kirlew


    Upon my arrival at Dr. Miller's office, I was pleasantly greeted by his courteous and professional front desk staff. In all my years of going to the dentist I have never come across someone like Dr. Miller. While sitting in his chair he took the time to explain what he was doing, step by step. I've never had a dentist explain to me as he did. It made me feel relaxed and confident in his abilities during my treatment. His dental assistant was also curtious and professional. They worked well together as a team. I would highly recommend Dr. Miller and his staff for your dental needs. Annette.

  • Tisha York

    Tisha York


    Since I’m new to the area I’ve been looking online for my dental care, I selected an orthodontist who was a bit brash and had little interest if you didn’t/couldn’t go along with what he wanted. After that bad experience I went online again and searched for dentist near my residence and found Dr. Miller. Honestly I did not think the great reviews were true, but they are. The staff (to include the front desk) is amazing! Dr. Miller was very personable; he took the time to hear about my dental situation. He explained and offered different suggestions to my dental care. I felt/feel very comfortable with my dental treatment in his and his staff’s hands. It was very refreshing to have someone who actually cares about the patients. I think that perception is everything and as soon as I walked in I was greeted by Erik who was very professional but also very friendly. He made me feel comfortable which was a very pleasant surprise. The staff also worked with me on every aspect of my dental care, and I cannot stress enough the great service I received from Erik it was truly awesome. Although Jessica was there on my second visit she was also friendly and professional. Ethel was awesome as well! She took the time to explain to me what was going on with my teeth, what the next course of action was and how to keep my gums healthy. She seems very dedicated and knowledgeable. I’m not used to dealing with such great service especially in dental care. This office is truly amazing. If anyone is looking for dental treatment please come see the folks at Dr. Allan Miller’s office!

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