All Week Plumbing Heating AC i Франклин Лейкс

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Франклин Лейкс, Нью-Джерси 07417, США
kontakter telefon: +1 201-251-6611
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Latitude: 41.0167639, Longitude: -74.2057011

kommentar 3

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    J Min


    I was without heat and was given a very, very reasonable window of 1-2 hours for a technician to come out. Before that could happen I was called back and the company face timed with me to assess my thermostat and boiler. They guided me to a battery replacement in the thermostat and that was the issue. I appreciate them working with me and not just sending out a tech and charging for a service call.

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    CarolAnne Dolan


    Omar from the MORRIS PLAINS office did a fantastic job - arrived a few minutes early, diagnosed the problem and fixed it quickly. Friendly and efficient. I would call him again or recommend him to someone who asked for a reference

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    James Gray


    Work is done exactly how it should be done. I love the work they did at my friends house so I asked him what company he use and he told me All Week Plumbing. So as soon as my heater stopped working I called this company.

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