All Service Moving - Portland Moving Company Specializing in Residential, Commercial, & Office Moves w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneAll Service Moving - Portland Moving Company Specializing in Residential, Commercial, & Office Moves



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66, Southeast Morrison Street, 97214, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-810-2770
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.5168892, Longitude: -122.665281

komentarze 5

  • en

    Scott Severson


    Using All Service Moving was the best moving experience ever! They communicate, they are punctual, they are careful and they are priced extremely reasonable. Most important, they are cool people. Use them! You will be satisfied you did!

  • Valerie Fidan

    Valerie Fidan


    I recently used All Service Moving for a move. They made my move as easy as possible, packing my kitchen and moving my furniture. Great service all around — very fast, careful and efficient!

  • en

    Marc Adamo


    Very satisfied with this moving company. I will use them again, and I have also been recommending them to my friends for their moves. Our movers were Ryan and Jarett. They were great! Very friendly, arrived on time, and they put extra attention and care to ensure that nothing was damaged. They were very careful while carrying and wrapping up our belongings. And they were also careful that the walls & door frames were not damaged (they wrapped the frames before carrying anything large through the door!). The person on the phone (I am sorry, cannot remember her name) was very friendly and helpful! She answered all my questions, and also provided a very accurate quote. Move Details: Move was within Portland. This company charges a little more per hour than other companies, but that is because they did not charge the time from when they left their HQ to come to my apartment (clock started when they arrived, clock stopped when the job was done). Other companies charge when they leave their HQ, so you end up paying for the time while they drive through traffic to get to you! I have had bad experiences with moving companies before, so I was a bit wary while searching for a company this time. I can happily say that I do not need to worry any more. If I have another move, I'll be calling these guys again.

  • Julia Lee

    Julia Lee


    I don't remember our movers names but they were awesome! All Service Moving was great in getting back with me on a quote. We booked them for our West Seattle move. They came on time and was quick with the paperwork. One of the movers was so quick in moving most things out of the house and the other was packing our furniture to make sure it doesn't get damaged. They gave us an 8.5 hr moving time estimate and they were correct. Wow, we got lots of stuff! Both of our movers worked so hard and never complained about anything. They made sure the move went smoothly for us and that our stuff was well taken care of. I can't say enough good things about these guys. We are very happy with everything All Service Moving had provided. Will definitely be using them again in the future (hopefully not anytime soon!) Thanks!

  • Broos Nemanic

    Broos Nemanic


    100% positive experience. With only a few days notice they were able to schedule my move from sf to Portland. They skillfully got my huge couch out of my tiny apartment on the third floor (lowering it from the balcony!). All my stuff was delivered undamaged 650 miles overnight. Edward and Ben were very personable and quick moving when unloading my stuff in Portland. Nothing got skuffed or damaged. I already had some furniture in the house that had to be moved to make room - Ben and Edward happily complied. I hope to never move again, but if I have to I will definitely use these guys again.

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