All City Van Lines w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAll City Van Lines



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249, Hinsdale Street, 11207, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-462-4642
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6689261, Longitude: -73.8997873

komentarze 5

  • en

    Damon Lopez


    Great place and people

  • Takia Brown

    Takia Brown


    This is the absolute worse moving company I have ever seen. They are extremely unprofessional and careless with your belongings. It took them 3 weeks to deliver my belongings and they arrived in horrendous conditions.They busted up all of my boxes (they tried to tape them back with that disgusting brown tape) and my mattress arrived soaking wet (even though it was still in plastic). My boxes were wet and my clothes smelled like mildew. My brand new printer was damaged, things were missing from the busted open boxes, and they delivered 2 of my boxes to someone else's address. When I asked the driver about getting my belongings back from the wrong address he REFUSED to go back and get them. He told me "you can get your boxes from her. She'll give them to you". This company is dreadful! If I could give them zero stars I would. I would NOT recommend them to anyone! DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!

  • Cara Briggs

    Cara Briggs


    This company was a great choice by far my best moving experience ever ! Jenifer was very helpful in getting everything set up as a new mom and making such a big move it was very important that i make the right choice. I am very happy with my decision Ruben and his crew were great everything arrived safe and sounds thanks to their great packing. My belongings arrived within a reasonable and well explained time frame. I cant recommend them enough.

  • en



    This company was of great the level of care and attention received by Diana was a blessing. I have lived in NY over 50 years in this house and I had no idea where to even start i received so many estimates and was lost in the barrage of constant calls. When Jenifer called it was a whole new experience she heard the stress in my voice and suggested rather than get into a lot of details over the phone that the best Approach would be to send and Senior Representative to the home to go though everything with me. That is when I had the pleasure of meeting Diana who was the Manager we went though everything and she came back a few days later with a couple of her employees and a van full of boxes to help me start the packing process. Ruben and Kelly were so polite and patient helping me organize and box all those years of accumulation. They took such great care when moving day finally arrived Ruben Kelly along with 2 addition gentlemen Peter and LA and they were just as pleasant and helpful as everyone thus far. Diana came by to check on me midway through the move she really was attentive treating me as I'm sure she treats her own mother I know i was difficult at times and constantly checking in with questions but she never let me know it always happy to hear from me. Moving to Florida was a very nerve racking for me but the team at All City took so much of the stress and worry away. Everything arrived just as it was when I sent it out and they even put everything back together to make the move in easier on me. Diana still checks in on me every so often and is helping me move my daughter and grandson down next month. Please if you need help moving give them a call.

  • en

    Derek G


    I never reviewed this company and I should have by now. I've had them move me twice from state to state. They are by far the best company. They don't play games with weight. You take an inventory and that's the price. You miss something they charge you. Why shouldn't they? I forgot a few items when I called for the move. I called them back got a new price and that was it. Movers came a little late but whatever. Good luck driving trucks up 95. Andre the owner literally came to my house with a paper for a quote. Just call and ask questions you'll get the truth and no BS from them. They are my moving company everytime. You can trust them

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