Alka Warrior, LLC i Carlstadt

Forenede StaterAlka Warrior, LLC



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339, Hackensack Street, 07072, Carlstadt, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 866-201-4201
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.836979, Longitude: -74.091771

kommentar 5

  • Adam Toombs

    Adam Toombs


    The best water I’ve ever had, my energy levels are up and I feel great from the inside out!!! Can’t wait to get thes on our private jets through our company Flight Life!!!

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    Mike Dalton


    The H2O Store is amazing with the quality of products they carry & the service they provide. We've completely switched to Alka Warrior Water for all our drinking needs. We bought a water cooler, Alka Warrior Alkaline Water 5 gallon jugs & will get them refilled as we use them. Also we bought water jugs for sports that we can fill from the cooler. Also they carry cases of Alka Warrior Water in different sizes which is convenient for grab & go for the gym, work or playing sports. The water is amazing it rehydrates you quickly, cleans out toxins & tastes great. It's completely made my acid reflux non existent so no more meds. Lou & his team care about their customers well being & give top notch service. It's totally worth checking out & we'll be customers for life!! Mike D

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    michael corpion


    This is the best water store EVER! Very clean and always a pleasant time seeing these guys!👍👍👍👍👍

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    Elizabeth Wescott


    I’ve been drinking this water for a little over a month and I’ve never felt better. You will definitely feel the amazing affects on your body. It’s great!!

  • Jerzey G

    Jerzey G


    I sell this water in my business in Wallington. Alka Warrior is the real deal, not some fake, tap water that’s bottled like many of the big brands. Try it out and feel the difference. Water is just water right ? NO You are what you eat and drink, don’t fill yourself up with something your body will hate you for later !

nærmeste Mad

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