Alita Tile w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneAlita Tile



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4465, Sunrise Highway, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-589-8453
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.753437, Longitude: -73.12216

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jami Catapano


    My husband and I had such an AMAZING experience at Alita Tile. Mike was so helpful and went out of his way to make sure that we were happy and able to get exactly what we needed, when we needed it! We bought all of the tile for our kitchen and 3 bathrooms here and my husband also purchased tile here for his business here. There is no other place to go for all of your tile needs....I promise you will be so happy with the service here! What an amazing group of people that are there to assist your every need. The newly updated showroom is beautiful! I am so happy we chose to use Alita Tile!

  • en

    Ana Blando


    We purchased tile for our kitchen backsplash. Loved the selection that Alita had. We had the pleasure of working with Ed and he was friendly, helpful, diligent, and went above and beyond...we also had help from Donna who was super nice. We couldn’t thank them enough for all their help. Great customer service from these two individuals.

  • en

    Joseph Ing


    Always a pleasure to deal with all the staff there that will go above & beyond to get the job done correctly. Purchased many times for bath, kitchen & other assorted area's in the home. Will always recommend to friends & family based on my experiences there.

  • en

    Rich White


    Super helpful in guiding us with our bathroom remodel. Great prices and high quality tiles. Highly recommend them over the big box stores

  • en

    Brett Pastuch


    These guys were great!! Very helpful and they had a large selection of tile to choose from . They have model bathrooms in the showroom and I did a bathroom just like the model and it came out great . I had extra tile and it was easy to return with no hassles

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