Alicia's Jewelers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneAlicia's Jewelers



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21119, 26th Avenue, 11360, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-224-0075
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Latitude: 40.7792982, Longitude: -73.778894

komentarze 5

  • Yoo Jun

    Yoo Jun


  • en

    Jerilynn Adin Safran


    We have been doing business at Alicia's since 1996 or 1997 I have never been disappointed at anything purchased there or created by them. I am a collector of Carrera y Carrera they are the go to place for both Carrera and Magerit these are pieces of wearable artwork. Alicia’s is a superior jewelry store their products are high end timely as well as extremely sophisticated and trendy. They have their fingers on the pulse of fashion and all jewelry trends. We do not shop for jewelry items anywhere else. My husband loves watches the section at Alicia’s is vast and I love jewelry so we make many trips to Bayside from Staten Island just to see what is new at Alicia's. The owners are warm and welcoming the staff is fabulous especially Kathy and Eddie is a master repairman and also a wonderful creator of beautiful designs. Stop by and see for yourself, you will not be disappointed

  • Josh De La Rosa

    Josh De La Rosa


    Great shop. Purchased our wedding rings here. Looking forward to a long relationship with this jeweler.

  • Anthony Dhani

    Anthony Dhani


    Top notch service, could not have been happier with my experience. Would recommend to anyone I know. I had done a ton of research into the piece I wanted and the staff couldn't have made the process better. They are true professionals running a upstanding business.

  • Elaine Chan

    Elaine Chan


    I came here a few years ago as a high school student. I had purchased a clearance Fossil watch at pac sun (now American eagle - I know right? THAT long ago) and it needed a battery replacement. I walk into Alicia's and immediately felt like I didn't belong. The employees gave each other looks when I walked in and were pretty rude. Yes I was in high school, but I worked and had money. I gave the place the benefit of the doubt and asked them the price of my battery change ... $17...what? They tell me that my watch required TWO batteries, one for movement and one for the background graphics. When I asked if I could just get the movement one installed, the guy told me that it needed both to function. I agreed to the steep price and later found out he LIED to me. To this day that pisses me off, you were the specialist and chose to be shady to make a few more dollars off your customer? I wouldn't go here ever again. Response from the owner: Elaine, When a watch carries more than one battery, it is our policy to replace both. This is done for several reasons and none have anything to do with earning an extra $10 or so. If you do not believe it carries two batteries please come in and we will open it up in front of you. If there is no second battery taken by the watch I will personally give you $50. You can go to one place and they tell you that your bald tire is fine to drive on, but another more professional place might recommend you change it out for your safety. *I apologize if you feel you were lied to, the gentleman must have skipped a step in the explanation. It is possible when you say the same thing a thousand times a day....As far as the analogy to the car tire, it holds water because it is describing the safety of the watch. Batteries tend to be installed together so when one dies the other is also near death. If we do not swap it out it could die and leak which would destroy the inner workings of your watch. Since we were the last people to touch the watch, blame will always fall on us. That is just one of the reasons for the policy. * My response: "Elaine, When a watch carries more than one battery, it is our policy to replace both." - This was never communicated to me by the associate. "If you do not believe it carries two batteries please come in and we will open it up in front of you." - As specified in my review I understood that there were TWO batteries. "If there is no second battery taken by the watch I will personally give you $50." - No thank you, I don't need your money. "You can go to one place and they tell you that your bald tire is fine to drive on, but another more professional place might recommend you change it out for your safety." - There's a big difference between a car tire and an optional battery. Furthermore, your associate LIED to me telling me that both batteries were required to have the watch operate. The animation battery died long before the movement battery and the watch was still functioning. Had your employee explained to me that it was your POLICY to change both batteries than that would be different. Don't assume that I misunderstood anything when things were NOT communicated correctly with me.

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