Alexis Furniture i New York

Forenede StaterAlexis Furniture



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580, East 138th Street, 10454, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-577-1000
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Latitude: 40.8064436, Longitude: -73.9169793

kommentar 5

  • en

    Argeta Spencer


    These guys are great! The owner Alex and his partner Ramsey helped put together a really nice package at an unbelievable price! The delivery guys Brian and Mark were super friendly and nice. The guys address our concerns with a slight issue on some part of or order and it was resolved right away. Will definitely recommend this business with 5 stars!

  • en

    Maria Olivares


    Horrible experience with this dude he's the owner Alexis in 168st very bad customer service take forever to deliver also take your money tell you that he can get thing that he know that he can't get make you wait I waited for 2 months for some chairs that I never received and I had to get my money return after all the time I waited for nothing really bad quality of furniture be aware!!!!!!!!!

  • M S

    M S


    muy buen servicio

  • jaquim diaz

    jaquim diaz


    This is the worst furniture store I've ever been too ! They have the WORST customer service. On top of the fact they sold me broken furniture and refused to take it back. I had to go through the worst experience in order for them to fix it . There employees have horrible attitudes and continue to call me the CUSTOMER a liar. I DO NOT RECCOMEND ANYONE TO PURCHASE NOT EVEN A LAMP FROM THIS STORE !!

  • Amanda Hernandez

    Amanda Hernandez


    I went in a few months ago about some furniture I bought from them around March. I told them that the bars that hold the bed up fell off and I need to replace them. They told me ok write your name down we will call to make an appointment to fix it. It's now been MONTHS SINCE THEN and I haven't received not one call. I called them they to see what was going on and they said they must have lost my paperwork, now I'm waiting again. And it has been another 2 weeks. I will be going there tomorrow because I'm tired of this. I paid in cash, I take very good of my bedroom set and for them to ignore a simple fix is ridiculous...

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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