Alex Horowitz Real Estate Agency w Brea

Stany ZjednoczoneAlex Horowitz Real Estate Agency


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514, East Lambert Road, 92821, Brea, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-612-0116
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9245474, Longitude: -117.8891289

komentarze 5

  • en

    Customer Service


    The guy is somewhat rude and straight forward. He will ask you offensive questions from the jump without meeting you over the phone. Definitely comes off as a guy who doesn't care about his clients and more about making sure he doesn't waste his time asking rude qualifying questions without meeting you.

  • en

    Brian Holzinger


    I am not someone who makes comments like this generally or lightly – as I am one who believes if services are paid for the provider should give their utmost to ensure professional integrity. Taking that into account I would like to passionately express my complete and utter satisfaction with the services that Nellie and Julie from the Alex Horowitz group have provided us with over these last few weeks. This is a massive stepping stone in my new families’ life and to have such warm advocacy, patience, and caring for the smallest of details has made a (what should be) cumbersome and scary experience into an absolute delight. They have given us the space to understand and weigh our decision as well as hold our novice hands though every facet.”

  • Richard Lam

    Richard Lam


    I had worked with Alex's agents over a period of 9 months visiting over 15 homes in that time period. They have always been super responsive and responded whenever I had a question. They had recommended me away from a few bad decisions on home offers upon hearing about the condition of the home and had always focused on making sure it wasn't just a good sale to them, but a good one for me to live in. Any concerns I had were promptly resolved but their excellent staff. When we finally reached escrow, their assistant Julie Nguyen was by far one of the most pleasant and efficient people I had an opportunity to deal with during my whole home buying process offering plenty of advice on areas she understood and whom to ask when it was not. I would highly recommend Alex and his team to anyone looking to buy a property in the area.

  • Leonard Baldwin

    Leonard Baldwin


    I am a recent home buyer in a beautiful home in Whittier. Thank you so much Alex and staff (Julie Nguyen) for making it happen. Alex and his staff go above and beyond to ensure home buyers are fully satisfied. I truly love my home so much. I highly recommend him to anyone selling or buying a home. When things seem to start falling apart, it seems he can put everything back in place. Thank you so much to Alex and staff. Susan Flores

  • en

    Maureen Postorino


    We cannot say enough about the incredibly competent and tireless service Alex and his staff provided our family as we navigated the very challenging sale of my Mother’s home in Orange County. We live out of state and, as such, Alex and his professional group of associates had the daunting task of readying the home for sale with little assistance from us. They provided everything we needed from start to finish, a one-stop shop, if you will –- from home inspection to clean-up and haul-away to experienced contractors who provided the upgrades we needed to ready the home for sale at a reasonable cost. Most importantly, Alex possesses a degree of experience and expertise we believe is unmatched in his field. He provided us with a complete overview of the home selling process, precise comps of the areas for accurate pricing of the home, and creative selling strategies to make our experience a breeze. As a result, our home sold the very first day on the market – above our asking price. I cannot think of a better compliment than that. In summation, Alex was our advocate every step of the way, and we trust him implicitly. His is an expert negotiator and works diligently to ensure your interests are protected. You can depend on Alex, not only to get the job done right, but with great attention to each and every detail. He is honest and straightforward and probably one of the nicest individuals we have ever met. If that isn’t enough, Alex readily answers his phone and returns calls/emails promptly. Would I recommend Alex Horowitz to anyone reading this review? You likely have your answer already – it is a resounding “YES!” He and his staff have earned our highest praise and sincerest gratitude.

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