Alan J. Chernick DDS, FAGD, D.ABDSM w New City

Stany ZjednoczoneAlan J. Chernick DDS, FAGD, D.ABDSM



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Esquire Road, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-638-4880
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.138133, Longitude: -73.991987

komentarze 5

  • Bruce Giarraffa

    Bruce Giarraffa


    I've been a patient of Dr. Chernick for over 30 years and can attest to his professional expertise as well as the calm, tranquil environment of his practice. Dr.Chernick's skills are all -encompassing so every predicament can be taken care of in his office. He has always been meticulous, never in a rush and never over-books his practice.( I always appreciated the amount of time he will spend with me). Every situation is primarily approached looking at the least evasive intervention. Other options with their pros and cons will always be discussed offering educated, informative approaches to individual circumstances. Dr. Chernick is one of the few providers I have 100% confidence and trust in.

  • en

    Ellen Mandel


    Dr Alan Chernick has been my dentist for more than thirty years and I cannot say enough about his competence,bed side or in this case dental chair manner He is kind , caring, and most sensitive to the needs of his patients He explains everything that he is going to do before the execution ithereof and his touch is a gentle one He works like a real artist would taking his time and making sure that each task is done to perfection Dr Chernick is a real local treasure Bravo!

  • en

    Steven Winograd


    Excellent dentist, explains everything to you and answers your questions.

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    Story Lane


    Dr. Chernick's office is a pleasure. The staff is welcoming and competent. Appointments are completed on time, each time. Best of all, Dr. Chernick is extremely competent, patient and thorough. I highly recommend him and his office.

  • en

    Elizabeth Rindner


    I have been scared of going to the dentist my whole life. While I have had terrible experiences and do not have the best genes as far as teeth go, Dr. Chernick completely changed my perception about going to the dentist. He carefully explains exactly what he is going to do in a calm and gentle way so you are not surprised or shocked as to what is going to happen next. Dr. Chernick is kind and very caring and extremely attentive to the needs and feelings of the patient. Every consult is professional and relaxing. The only regret I have is not going to him sooner.

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