Alamo City Body Shop w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneAlamo City Body Shop



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9400 San Pedro Avenue, Isom Building, San Antonio, TX 78216, EE. UU.
kontakt telefon: +1 210-357-3306
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 29.5248735, Longitude: -98.4973093

komentarze 5

  • Travis McCoy

    Travis McCoy


    Appointment #1: Called to reschedule. Was told Jeff would call me back. 3-days later and no call from Jeff. Appointment #2: Showed up on time. Sat in waiting room with no air conditioner for 30-minutes. Jeff was busy helping other people who showed up after me. I left and won't return.

  • Allyson Saad

    Allyson Saad


    Had to bring in my Mercedes convertible for assessment/repairs to Alamo City Body Shop (a Mercedes-certified shop) after being rear-ended the week before Thanksgiving 2017. Took a bit to get parts in, but Antonio ("Tony") Segovia kept me apprised the entire time by email and phone - including through waiting on supplemental damages to be approved by the other driver's insurance company. He even arranged for the rental company to pick me up when I dropped off my car. Unfortunately my beloved car ended up being deemed a total loss, and I spent the weekend looking for a replacement vehicle. I found a car, but couldn't locate my Mercedes title to turn over to the insurance adjuster - which would delay payment and potentially cause me to lose my deposit on the new vehicle. In a panic I texted Tony's work cell on Sunday to see if there was anyone at the shop to check the glove compartment for me. He promptly replied (on a SUNDAY!!!) and although there wasn't any way to check on a Sunday he made sure to do so and texted me the good news (title in car - an admittedly supremely stupid location!) first thing Monday a.m., avoiding the lengthy process of getting a duplicate title and delaying payment. When I got there he couldn't have been nicer and helped me get the rest of my personal items out of the car. I hope I never have to utilize their services in case of an accident again, but if I do I will be sure to because of Tony's professional, knowledgeable, and courteous manner.

  • en

    Getachew Debebe


    Great people and great place. I had to take my wife's carfor repair. Tony did a good follow and the job was fabolous. Shop Forman Remy is high profecional, knowlagble and highly cooperative. They the best of the best for repairing high class cars such as Mercedes benz

  • Carolyn Cox

    Carolyn Cox


    We received fabulous service this morning from Tony, who was instrumental in the repair of our new Mercedes. He was attentive, very quick in turn around time, and we could not be more pleased. You have a customer for life.

  • en

    Arnulfo Solis


    Absolutely NO Customer Service. Tony was obnoxious and arrogant from the start. We came in to get a quote for an accident we weren't at fault and needed this quote to submit to our insurance. We scheduled our appointment with Alamo City Collision's receptionist for the next available time to get a collision quote from a collision professional referred by a Mercedes dealership. Tony was annoyed we weren't dropping off the vehicle. He further went on to show his frustration by belittling my wife in letting her know that she didn't understand the insurance process. We were there to get a quote. I'm not sure how much insurance knowledge is required from taking a vehicle in to a Collision Center to get a Collision Quote. When Tony finally started appraising the damage, my wife had to point out there was damage under the rear part of the vehicle (collision area) . Tony was adamant that he could not determine any damage until several parts were removed. My wife kept asking Tony to just look under the bumper. Once Tony took a look, he realized there was visible damage to the vehicle he was not accounting for. What a simple way to assess some damage...simply look at the affect area without making any assumptions. I'm not sure if Tony is inexperienced in his profession, but there is no excuse speaking to customers the way he did. I'm not sure why Mercedes would contract out to Alamo City Collision Center with such poor customer service. I can not express how deeply disappointing and unfortunate this experience has been for us. I was forced to give Alamo City Collision Center 1 star to write this review. Go anywhere else! I'm sure you'll have a better experience.

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