A'La Mod w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneA'La Mod


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3900, Merrett Drive, 76135, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-237-3037
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.81248, Longitude: -97.4372698

komentarze 5

  • en

    Christy Sanchez


    I bought a Groupon voucher for a massage with Valerie B, she was rude and unprofessional. She hung up on me twice and I did not get a massage scheduled.

  • Philippa Sula

    Philippa Sula


    I suggest you do not buy anything for this company off of Groupon there's so much in the fine print you will not be able to get any of your services. Anytime you try to change things or make sure that you can get somewhere or find out that there's another thing in the fine print the lady just says I understand have a blessed day worst phone etiquette I've ever heard. And the stipulations are so steep that you will never be able to get your massage or if you do get your massage it's so far out that you forget about it. I'll let the lady know today that I would not be able to make it otherwise she would receive the flu she told me I'd have to pay a cancellation fee Worst experience I've ever had in my life I suggest that if you need a massage go to Azle massage therapy off of Florence they'll give you a massage for an hour and a half for 60 bucks have a blessed day.

  • en

    Valeria Hernandez


    I love this place they listen to your needs and will give you the best haircut ever!!!!

  • Raquel Guevara

    Raquel Guevara


    Junaita es muy profesional. Tiene muchos años de experiencia ! La recomiendo 100%. Excelente servicio

  • Diana Ramos

    Diana Ramos


    Nos atendieron muy bien,buen trato y excelente servicio.

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