Al Amana Halal Supermarket w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneAl Amana Halal Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

994, West Side Avenue, 07306, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-333-5650
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7334011, Longitude: -74.0718573

komentarze 5

  • Temi Oloko

    Temi Oloko


    Best halal store!!!!! I look forward to coming here all the time. Variety of items you can find anything here even cheaper!!! Meat is very clean also the chicken as well!!! Friendly staff, there’s always parking!! Nice environment!! Clean store and it always smells nice.

  • Mrs Kayani

    Mrs Kayani


    This is my favorite halal store in jersey city because Prices are very reasonable,the meat is always fresh and best part of getting the meat is just because of Aslam Bhai he is very kind and nice , the owner is very friendly with always a beautiful smile on her face I love her and most importantly the store is always very clean and well maintained I give this store 5 stars and will visit soon to get some more groceries.

  • Fatima Aboulalazm

    Fatima Aboulalazm


    Loved it. Everything's very fresh. Loved the fact I could find Moroccan foods here that I can't find anywhere else! Very diverse foods and very clean.

  • en

    Autum Lievtz


    This is my go to store. Very clean and well maintained. The service is amazing and fast. A great place to get fresh and high quality halal meat. I recommend this place to anyone looking for high quality halal.

  • en

    Meriem Salahddine


    This store has nonetheless exceeded my expectations as a customer. It is very clean, the prices are affordable and the service is superb. Would recommend this store to anyone in need of excellent halal meat and foreign spices along with many other international products at a reasonable price. 10/10

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