Akiva Shapiro Law, PLLC i Old Bethpage

Forenede StaterAkiva Shapiro Law, PLLC



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1, West Park Drive, 11804, Old Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-806-0762
internet side: www.akivashapirolawpllc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.76141, Longitude: -73.464178

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jason Schwartz


    Mr. Shapiro spoke to my father and I about eldercare planning. I found him to be very well informed, patient, and able to easily explain complex legal concepts in this area. I would highly recommend him to anyone out there.

  • en

    Doreen Murphy


    Akiva Shapiro is not your typical attorney. He really cares that his clients understand the overall plan he sets out for estate planning. Akiva is a wealth of knowledge and he is patient and persistant with regard to explaining and guiding you, the client, to understanding the overall objective. He is a blend of legal knowledge and human touch in how he treats his clients. Excellent experience! Highly recommend him!

  • Kristie Lengel

    Kristie Lengel


    I was a frightened young business owner fearful of a large realty corporation ruining my financial future for the rest of my life. Akiva was kind, patient, and reassuring and made me feel confident I could move forward with my life after closing my beloved business. I am grateful for life.

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    Kenneth Mclaughlin


    Akiva is very knowledgeable & patient. Really took time to explain all the options & protections one needs in planning thier estate's future. Would highly recomend him to anyone.

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    Rich Conte


    Well if you haven't sat down with Akiva as of yet, it's something you must do before its too late. From wills to health proxies and all your asset protection needs. He's the professional to see. A wealth of knowledge awaits you. Don't hesitate give him a call before its to late.

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