Айлип Таун Бич w Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneАйлип Таун Бич


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

600, South Bay Avenue, 11751, Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-894-2754
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7064503, Longitude: -73.2142391

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marie Petrignani


    Nice small beach, great for kids. Only thing is that they are strict with the town pass.

  • Yadher Bustamante

    Yadher Bustamante


    When coming here please make sure that the inspection on your vehicle is up to date. because a few times a day park ranger will show up and check all the cars and start passing tickets out while people are eating or at the beach. Also it does not say drones are not allowed so if you drive in and tell them you just want to fly the drone they will let you in for free,then call the cops on you so park police can come with a ticket......

  • en

    Jessica Lentz


    I have taken my prom pictures, got married here, take my daughter to the beach here every summer, the new showers and food hut is amazing. Nice and small. Its perfect. Also they have two nice playgrounds for the kids.

  • Scott Golder

    Scott Golder


    Pretty good for a bay beach. The restaurant that serves drinks helps alot. They keep it seaweed free, by raking it all up. That's important on the bay.

  • stefan mandelos

    stefan mandelos


    $10 to park if you're a non resident. The lot is not that big so get here early. Same with the sand; this is a SMALL town beach so the space gets filled up quickly. The beach is a little rocky but once you wade out a couple yards the sand smoothes out a lot. Life guards were very observant and there were a lot of them when I went. The bar and grill are expensive. I highly suggest bringing your own food/drinks. All in all, not bad for the $10 parking fee. Especially compared to the insane traffic and hassle of Robert Moses or Jones Beach.

najbliższy Park

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