AI Vinyl Graphics & Mobile Electronics in New Rochelle

Vereinigte StaatenAI Vinyl Graphics & Mobile Electronics



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355, Huguenot Street, 10801, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-636-0555
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.9076779, Longitude: -73.785465

kommentare 5

  • en

    Naser Popal


    Very very good place to get your aftermarket accessories done for your car. Highly recommend jack and his crew for any . Radio ,nav,remote start , tints and much much more .

  • en

    Chris Castiglia


    The A.I fam and shop is amazing always takes care of me.Jack is always willing to help me out whether he is doing work on my car or not.He has always been able to help me be it through text or actually bringing my car in to him.The service is always done correct.and neat .Can always count on him to help me out.Audio Illusions gets 5 stars through and through

  • en

    Ed L


    Service was great. Very professional and informative staff. Helped with tint darkness and answered all questions

  • Anita Flores

    Anita Flores


    This is great place, Jack was very friendly and helpful, my husband and I highly recommend coming to Audio Illusions and meet their great staff. I got my alarm installed a while ago, it has been working very good as Jack had previously said. Thank you so much.

  • en

    AL Laraia


    Johnny and Jack always do the right thing... they are Great at what they do, I have been going there for over 15 years. Nice guys that do great work!!! 2 Thumbs UP

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